Study Update
Hi there! I hope you’re having a great time studying with me so far ☺️
I wanted to share some insights on how I’ve been studying. Here’s what I’ve been using to study:
1) Applied Behaviour Analysis (3rd edition) by Cooper, Heron, and Heward- CHH. You can purchase it here.
2) Chapter quizzes for each chapter of CHH. You can access chapter quizzes through the Pearson website when you purchase the book or you can access them through a subscription of $9.99/month.
3) Completing BDS Modules. You can find them here.
4) BACB Ethics Code and Code-Enforcement Procedure
5) This website has amazing information and examples! They make it very easy to understand all ABA concepts.
So far, I’ve gotten through 2 parts of the task list- Part A and Part E. I’m aiming to complete one part each week, however it seems to be taking me about 1.5 weeks for each part.
Study Materials
Macbook Air 2023- to complete BDS modules and take notes
1/2 inch binder- to gather all my notes and documents in one place
Post it tags- to mark each part of the task list
Lined paper- to take notes
Yellow highlighter- to highlight definitions
Pink highlighter- to highlight important words or concepts
A cute pen- to write notes
Wite-out- to error correct my own notes
A coffee mug- to have the energy to study
A water bottle- to stay hydrated
I know some people love to write their notes with colourful pens and a plethora of beautiful writing materials, but honestly, I can’t keep track of too many items. ALSO, buying more thing in this economy?!?
Anyway, how is your studying going!? Should we do a study group???
Leave a comment and let me know!